00:00:01Hi, in this video tutorial you will learn how the loyalty cards that you create with this platform work and now you can use them to offer these small and medium businesses that want to buy your
00:00:11marketing services and even stronger and more powerful set of tools for earning more, building more loyalty and making customers happier
00:00:21We don't know what a loyalty card is also known as a punch card because points were once made as holds with different shapes into a physical paper card with a puncher or stand on it whenever
00:00:31a customer made a purchase
00:00:33The goal for the customer is to collect as many points to get a price
00:00:37The goal for the business owner is to get people to buy more often to get the price which usually has a much lower value than the recurring business you can get from loyal customers
00:00:48Anyway, on this platform you have a completely yet extremely simple system that you can sell even as a standalone product to your customers that I can help them manage their customers and loyalty programs much more
00:01:02effectively than with the traditional paper -based cards
00:01:07So let's start from the page where we want to add our loyalty card and then let's add the correct widget
00:01:13Loyalty, here it is
00:01:15The first thing we notice is that this widget requires the users to be registered and logged in so it can keep track of the points and prices and everything else
00:01:24We will not go into the users management features of the platform in this tutorial
00:01:28You will find specific videos in the help section
00:01:31Just remember that you manage all the details and the login details in the login and user sections right here
00:01:39Okay, so now let's go back to the page where we add the loyalty card and then let's click again on the loyalty card widget
00:01:47As for every other widget we have a section here where we can add an intro title and subtitle which will be shown above the main widget contents
00:01:57Let's skip this and let's start customizing our card
00:02:00The first thing we can choose is the number of points that the customer has to reach before he's shown the price
00:02:06Here we select this number from this drop -down
00:02:09Then we need to enter a validation code
00:02:12This is like a password that the store owner or one of his employees need to know to validate the purchase and reset the card
00:02:20We can enter whatever code and whatever letters and numbers we want
00:02:25In this section here we can specify the known stamped and stamped icons or images
00:02:31We can choose an icon from the library or free icons available in the platform or we can upload an image from our computer just like we are doing right now
00:02:41Finally in this section right here we can specify the prize page that is the contents that are shown to the customer once he has reached the required points
00:02:51We can write a title and the body and even choose or upload an image customizing the style, alignment and everything else we want for the text that will be presented to the customer once he has
00:03:02reached the prize
00:03:04And that is all
00:03:05Our loyalty card is ready to be used
00:03:08That was easy right? Now we can start playing with it and see how it works
00:03:13So first of all let's log in using our Facebook account
00:03:16Again we won't go into the users and login feature right now
00:03:20So here we are logged in and ready to use the loyalty card
00:03:24Let's suppose we are a customer and we have made a purchase
00:03:27Now the store owner needs to validate this purchase
00:03:31He can either scan this QR code right here or like we're doing now validate the purchase manually
00:03:37So he clicks here, enter the number of points Very cool
00:03:47This purchase has been validated
00:03:49As you see here the five points are shown with the stamped icon
00:03:53Well the remaining points still show the known stamped image we uploaded in the customization section
00:03:59Now let's validate another purchase to see how we get to the prize
00:04:03But let's do something more interesting and let's add six points
00:04:07One more that what is required to get the prize
00:04:10So let's have our store owner validate the purchase again and here the prize contents and images are shown right here
00:04:19So we can now present this to the store owner to claim our prize
00:04:23He can now reset our card so we can start collecting points again
00:04:27He only has to do is click on this link right here or again scan a QR code and as our card is reset and we reload the page look here that point in excess we added
00:04:39before is already recorded on the card so we don't lose any purchase
00:04:44And voila was more a product that you can sell all by itself for a pretty good monthly fee is embedded and included in your platform ready to be used by your customers and especially by you
00:04:55to build an even more successful online marketing business