00:00:01Hello, and welcome
00:00:03This is Chad Bove from Moby First, and today I'm going to be going over another white label training video
00:00:09In this video, we're going to be going over the Users section, located directly underneath my platform
00:00:16The User section will let you search users as well as change the user's plans and settings for their account, and you can even create new users manually
00:00:26You can see here we have some test users set up
00:00:28You can search by email address here
00:00:31You can type in any portion of an email address, like a number or part of a name, and that'll find that particular email registered or related to that search
00:00:40And you can also search by plan as well
00:00:42You see all of your existing plans can drop down here, and you can see who's on which plan by using this
00:00:48Very simple and easy to use, and you can see if they've paid or not paid
00:00:52You can even see when the account was created
00:00:55And you can also create a new account manually
00:00:59So in order to create a new user manually, you would simply click this green button down here to create a new user
00:01:05Now you're going to need an email address for that user
00:01:09Keep in mind, the email address doesn't necessarily have to be an active and valid email address
00:01:15This is more like a user name, and as long as the email address that you entered and the password are correct, then whoever knows that should be able to log in
00:01:24So the email address doesn't have to be active
00:01:26However, it is always recommended to use an existing and active email address
00:01:31So that way, if you ever need to receive notifications or many of the auto responders in this platform default to your login email address, it's always wise to keep that active and valid and make sure
00:01:43that it is a real email address
00:01:45But all you would have to do is just simply type in an email address here
00:01:50And then once you enter a password and then you set the plan, whichever plan you want to put them on, hit save, it will create that user in that particular plan
00:02:06And you'll see once we go back, there is that new email we just created and there's that user in that particular plan
00:02:14Once you're in a user's account, you can see their email address
00:02:18You won't be able to see their password, but you can change their password by typing anything into this field and saving it and that'll replace their existing password
00:02:26Or if you leave it blank, it'll keep it unchanged
00:02:28You can also adjust their current plan, simply drop down this menu and select a different plan
00:02:33And when you save that, it'll now put them in that particular plan with those features for that plan
00:02:39Also, if they have purchased through your platform and they entered their billing information, you can see their billing details right here, as well as their billing history, if any
00:02:48And you can also adjust any privacy options right down here
00:02:53So once you actually have users in your profile, you can actually log in as that particular user and see everything that they've done in the platform and even make any changes yourself
00:03:04You would simply click this log in as this user
00:03:07It'll ask you if you're sure
00:03:09And once you click OK, you'll be logged in as this particular user
00:03:13Now, keep in mind, it's very important to be careful when you're logged in as another user because it is possible to accidentally delete sites or make changes that the user might not want
00:03:24So be very careful if you're ever troubleshooting or addressing an issue
00:03:28Be aware of which plan that you're in and what you have access to and be aware of what you're doing
00:03:34So once you actually are a user, you can see they have different options available to them
00:03:40And there you'll always going to see the email address right at the top right here
00:03:47That's the user you are currently viewing
00:03:50And you'll know that you're not in your account
00:03:52If this is different and you'll always see this back to your identity button
00:03:57And when you click that, that'll shoot you back directly to your identity and that's always going to be there
00:04:02So no matter which section you are, you can see that it'll be there
00:04:04If you have to troubleshoot their sites, you can go into their sites, address their sites
00:04:08And then once you're done, you simply click back to your identity and that'll now put you in that particular and back to your users list
00:04:16Once you're back in your users list, you can continue addressing whatever you need to fix
00:04:21And you can also adjust the paid status of a user
00:04:25So if you, if they are not paid and they haven't made any payments, you can actually switch them to paid and sort of give them a free account in a sense
00:04:33So they don't have to pay by switching that manually
00:04:35Once it's switched to paid, they will have access to the modules that they would not normally have unless they paid
00:04:41You can also block a user and delete a user
00:04:45And blocking a user will prevent them from being able to log in and access their platform
00:04:50Deleting the user will completely remove it from the users list and delete all of their sites and all of their progress as well
00:04:56So be very careful about that
00:04:58But once you set a user to paid, if they're unpaid, you can log in and they should have access to modules that they didn't have access to before because they are now paid
00:05:10But keep in mind that's something you want to be aware of if they haven't paid or not and make sure not to give away free accounts on accident
00:05:19So once you have everything set up and all of your users ready, you can actually download your list of users by clicking this button
00:05:31This will actually download your list of users in a CSV file, which you can then export into other programs or you can organize however you wish
00:05:42And it's really that simple to add users to download them and to organize the users with our platform